Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ok, let me explain...

For Christmas I got this from Scott...

...and it has sucked up every drop of free time I have had. I've always been an avid reader, but have been on a reading hiatus for about two years. However, once I got my kindle fire I have not set it down. IM IN LOVE! I typically read at night in the bed so the built in light is perfect. Well last summer we went to Florida where I discovered they were building Hogwarts from Harry Potter, it was not open at the time so I decided if Disney was dedicating millions to Potter fans then maybe I should give the book a try. I have always thought the Potter books were lame and pretty useless, but let me tell you they are AMAZING. I finally understand the Potter craze and I am one of the crazies. Yes I know they're kid books, yes I know I'm about 5 years behind on the trend, but I have read the entire series in a month and a half, keep in mind this is during the ridiculous "honey push" we've had at work which amazingly I hit my number, but to say the least free time was at a minimal. So that being said I am back to the blogging world. The issue with having so many hobbies is that often I get fixated on one and neglect the others. However while taking a small blog break I have made yet another wreath, painted a picture and have almost finished my picture wall which will soon all be revealed in upcoming posts!


  1. I am crazy excited that you are back to blogging and reading! Welcome to the Harry Potter club as well. ;)

  2. I STILL miss reading Harry Potter, maybe I will re-read them all? Im hoping she will add to the series, because its my favorite series by far, haha. And Im trying to talk Scott into taking me to Hogwarts at Universal in Florida for our vacation this year! A bit obsessed, maybe? lol
