Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's lookin' a lot like Christmas!

Well it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but it certainly does not feel like it! It has been in the high 70's all this month. Last week I had on a dress with short sleeves while listening to Christmas music with the AC turned on in my car, what happened to winter? Global warming? Last year was my first white Christmas and this year it feels like sunny California! However, with only THREE days until Christmas it's coming whether I'm ready for it or not!

Anyways, I'm DONE with all my shopping. Every present is wrapped with a bow and now the madness of packing the car and hoping that the luggage and all presents for two sets of families will fit in my sedan with two dogs in the back. Sedan... that makes me sound so old, sigh. I digress, but it's safe to say I went way overboard on buying Christmas presents for everyone... it's like I was buying for this Christmas and the next... there's a thought... maybe this could count for two years so I wont have to go shopping or spend hours wrapping next year? I don't see that going over well, especially with my nephew, ha.

I recently created a new Christmas ball wreath for my front door. I followed this pintrest tutorial.

Above is the pintrest wreath I found. I wanted a Christmas one so I found red and green glitter plastic shatter proof ornaments from Walmart. I skipped the step with the hot glue, because if you have plastic shatter proof ornaments you wont have to worry about the metal tops coming off.

What you need is around 80-90 ornaments, a metal hanger, and ribbon.

1. Just get a metal hanger and pull it into the shape of a circle.

2. Untwist the top of the hanger and start putting the ornaments on it in whatever pattern you like.

3. Re-twist the top of the hanger closed and tie a ribbon to hide the hook of the hanger and you're done!

1 comment:

  1. I love your ornament wreath! You need to do a post about your other holiday wreaths and picture collages. They are awesome!
