Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Whirl Wind {of good news!}

You will not guess what has happened… go ahead… guess… give up?

Well remember the very first house that we had bid on, the one who eventually “broke up with me” when we lost the bid and I was devastated? AND then I kept wishing that the bid winners financing would fall through… well I am sorry karma (but thank you) because IT DID!!! And the house is OURS!! Out of the approximate number of 33 houses that we have seen, it is still my very favorite.

 So now the other house… welp the paper work has taken what feels like years and they won’t even be finished by December so our contract runs out and we are then able to back out of the contract. So our most hoped for- first house we had ever bid on (that I thought had “broken up” with me) is BACK! Words cannot express our elation, as I’m sure this blog is very scattered in excited thoughts.

The other house was going to have to have a ton of upgrades before we moved in, yet this house needs a fenced in back yard for the dogs and then maybe new carpet upstairs… but other than that it is PERFECT! We are going to paint everything to suit our color palate over time but it is absolutely perfect. The layout is open and it already has hardwood floors downstairs that I have pined (no pun intended…) for.  We close no later than November 15th and will be in immediately. I am so stinkin’ excited!! This house better not “break up with me” again! Haha.

So now of course I'm taking all of my decorating ideas for the other house and applying them to this one! If I wanted to decorate the house immaculately as it is in my head- with a bottomless bank account of course I will: paint the cabinets in the kitchen, fence in the yard, install new carpet up stairs, add a screened in porch in the back, paint every room, install new counters in the kitchen, install floating shelves in the bathroom, stain the cabinets in all the bathrooms, and finally install built in book cases in the living room. As crazy as it sounds it’s not THAT much to do… you should see the list of stuff I needed to do to the other house! Of course most of the list will be done over several years because let’s face it, nothing is wrong with the kitchen counters (as most of what’s on the list), I just want to be able to choose my own to suit my decorative taste. .. and I’m sure it will all be done in time. However, in the mean time I am just so excited that this house is ours and truly meant for us! Crazy how everything works out and I am simply bursting with excitement of the end results!! 

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