Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cruisin' to Nassau

Day Two
On Tuesday we docked in Nassau, Bahamas. If you do decide to take a cruise and it's going to Nassau, DO AN EXCURSION, trust me!! We decided against the excursion and walked around the town... don't do it... it was dirty, and there were all really aggressive hecklers wanting you to buy their chachki crap. I must have told a dozen women I did not want my hair braided haha. Scott and I decided we would absolutely do an excursion next time.
Left: me in front of a colorful mural. Top left: the Hard Rock Cafe, Nassau style. Bottom Right: We walked around the town and saw the sights and shopped a bit in the straw market. Scott and I had a little too much fun in the "face in hole" costume! Scott stayed there for what seemed like 5 minutes haha.

We left Nassau early and boarded the boat to have the pool to ourselves. The pool at night with the lights are so pretty.

At dinner that night we met Glenn, from Rhode Island, who decided to travel by himself. Well most cruises aren't 1/3 of fifteen year old Argentian girls, so he was out of luck on meeting other solos. The only complaint we had about the cruise is it seemed that 300+ Argentenian girls (who were probably the same ones I was complaining about above in the outlet mall (read previous post: Miami meh)) were having their quincineria celebrations... and for every 50 girls there was ONE chaperone. So imagine 300 fifteen year old girls in a foreign country with only SIX adults. OH.MY.GOD. It was pandemonium. We would be in line and then 25+ would "cut in line" infront of us. Then when someone would tell them to get in the back of the line they had no idea what you were saying, or so they were acting. In short they were a ginormous pain in the ass. So we avoided them at all cost... they had a curfew so they werent around too much. Hallelujah! Anyway, was out of luck on meeting other solos and he and Scott hit it off, so we made a new friend who met up with us the following days.
Later that evening they annouced they were having a midnight buffet. We had eaten too much for dinner so we decided that we would go and see it because we had seen them taking awesome ice sculptures out that night. It was so neat, who knew food could be sculpted like that?

More cruisin' to come...

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