Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Behind on the trend

Welp, it's happened again... so I fell in love with Sex and the City after the series was over; I guess I was too young to watch women without sexual morals while in middle and high school haha. So sometime in college I discovered Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte explore New York, friendship and relationships. I got obsessed with the show... I watched every re-run and started buying every season. I.could.not.get.enough.period. I loved watching the fashion and what fictional NY life was like.

I was pissed that I missed the time of Sex and the City during it's prime, and now it looks like it has happened again... with Gossip Girl!! AGH! THE TRAGEDY of missing ANOTHER great show AFTER the series FINALE is DONE!!! *hitting head on wall* Ok, so maybe I'm a bit over dramatic, but it really stinks!

During all the rain last weekend, I caught about 8 Gossip Girl episodes in a row (don't judge me- the house was clean, it was pouring out and I had a long work week). Gossip Girl seems like Sex and the City but with more drama and younger characters. Like Sex and the City, the fashion is just as amazing. I guess the good thing about missing seasons at a time is you don't have to wait until the next week to catch the next episode! So now I need to netflix Gossip Girl seasons if we have any more rainy days.


  1. Gossip Girl isn't over yet! New season starts October 8. You have a few weeks to catch up!

    1. Ah thank you!! I have been netflixing (new word ha!) the show like crazy so hopefully I can catch up! I saw where you too live in Charleston, isn't it crazy how she just got married in mt pleasant (I live down the street from Boone Hall). It's made me a little more obsessed with the show now! :0)
